Monday, June 13, 2011

The Wiggly Worm

Somewhere between 85-90, that's how hot it was that day. The day that Mr. John became known throughout the second grade. It wasn't any different from the typical day. It was about my second week in and during recess I watch over the kids. I typically don't do anything but it was different today. It had rained in the morning so the kids were only allowed on the blacktop. This meant no jungle gym, no slides, and no swings on the otherside of the playground. This left few options for the little ones, the four swings closests to the school, blacktop, or the wiggly worm.

Sadly, the wiggly worm is always disregarded. It's a piece of equipment that stands abandoned and alone. In a typical recess, the wiggly worm will get two maybe three kids to sit on it for a moment only to be abanadoned moments later. So I approached four of the girls from my classroom and suggested the wiggly worm.

"Hey guys, why don't you try going on the wiggly worm?"
"It's boring!"
"You can't do anything on it."
"The wiggly worm is stupid."
"No it isn't! It looks awesome! I think you guys just need to learn how to use it."

After a moments hesitation, they all looked at each other and decided to give the wiggly worm a shot. I let the girls hop on and like a seesaw I began to push down on one end to bring them up and let gravity bring them back down. I watched as their eyes began to light up as laughter escaped their mouth every time they came down. I can only imagine the delight parents must feel when they see their own child laughing.

Soon the laughter began to draw attention to all those around them. One boy gave into his curiosity and joined the four girls on the wiggly worm. One by one more and more children began to pile on. I started to feel their weight as I continued to push down on the end. Nine, ten kids quickly became seventeen, eighteen. Beads of sweat began forming at my forehead and I could feel my muscles getting a workout. Within five minutes, the wiggly worm was packed, twent-five kids squeezed themseleves on the wiggly worm. A line began to form and then I realized what I had done to myself. I realized the expectations that were come tomorrow's recess. As I looked up I saw the line of children waiting just as many in number on the wiggly worm, it was like an amusement park. Thank God recess is only twenty minutes and we were already fifteen minutes in. Still, as tired as my arms were, I coudln't help but enjoy the smiles and laughter on the childrens faces.

That's when I heard the sweet noise of freedom. Recess was over and the teachers were blowing the whistle to have all the children line up. With a loud unified "aw" the kids ran to their places to return to the classroom. The teachers laughed and I coulnd't help but smile as I left the wiggly worm. One teacher approached me and introduced herself and commented on recess.

"You had twenty-five kids at one point on that thing! The kids love you! I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into. You're getting quite the workout, I'd hate to be you."
I laughed out loud and smiled and realized that she was right. The kids would now expect me to push the wiggly worm. I began to think of how tiring it would be when I felt a tapping on my lower back. I turned around to find a small girl I haven't met before.

"Mr. John, will you do the wiggly worm tomorrow too?"

The little angel batter her eyes at me in hopes that I wouldn't dissapoint. What else could I say?

"Sure, I'd love to do the wiggly worm tomorrow."

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